Monday, August 07, 2006

Eve Sky Socks finally finished!

My resolve was to make everyone socks for Christmas this summer vacation. Ha! I spend all summer on these, but it was worth it. This was made on my Decor Accents EFG Sock Loom. They have 6 1/2 inch cuffs. This makes me appreciate good lighting and my no-line bifocals ;-D

These will be my last top down socks. I find when you come to the end to close the toe, the trouble is not so much the zig zag join or even the kitchener stitch; it's the long yarn you have to use which kinks and shreds.

So once I get my DA EFG WonderLoom, I'm going to experiment with toe up socks making use of waste yarn, which is a few rows of contrasting color yarn knitted first to use as a stitch holder.

Whew, I'm sooo glad these are done! Posted by Picasa